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Dec. 13, 2021

Ep.88: Thumbs Up or FU?

Ep.88: Thumbs Up or FU?

You are on a great vacation. One you have saved up for and planned for years. You leave the friendly confines of the U.S. and head overseas. While in the MidEast, you wish to show your appreciation for good service and, since you don’t know the language, you give a hearty thumbs up to your waiter. Who promptly spits in your soup because you just gave him, what amounts to in his country, the middle finger. This horror scenario happens more than you would think as different countries have different customs and offense is taken without intention. Clear your plate in the U.S.--you loved the meal. Clean your plate in Asia--you offended them. In this episode, Jon and Kurt give a few fun examples of this dynamic in the hopes your foreign travels go smoothly.